What if my public IP is not fixed

dns4me FAQ - What if my public IP is not fixed

There are four ways you can resolve this:

  • Once your IP changes simply log into the user console and click the "Use Current IP" button beside the zone your updating.
  • Setup a dynamic DNS like noip.com then simply put the DNS name in the "IP/Dynamic DNS" field for your zone, our system will poll this every minute and you will never have to update your IP to keep accessing our service.
  • Generate a Zone Update URL, goto "User Console" > "IP Access Zones" beside the zone you want to update there is a blue button "Use Current IP" click the dropdown arrow beside this and select "Show API Update URL", a popup will appear with your unique zone update URL.
  • Set a Zone to update upon logon, goto "User Console" > "IP Access Zones" beside the zone you want to update there is a blue button "Use Current IP" click the dropdown arrow beside this and select "Automatically update this zone", the zone will highlight yellow. everytime you login this Zone will be updated to the current IP address.