Apple TV

dns4me Guides - Apple TV

  1. Open up the Apple TV and go to the Settings > General > Network
  2. Then go ahead and select Wi-Fi for wireless network or Ethernet if you are using a wired connection. If you have not already setup a Wi-Fi connection you will have to choose your network and input your password for the Wi-Fi again if needed.
  3. Select Configure DNS and select Manual
  4. Enter Login to see and click Done
  5. On the Network screen please verify that the DNS numbers you have just entered are present.

To maximise the use of your Apple TV, you will need to download Apps from the countries that you want to stream from. We have a guide for creating iTunes/Apple ID's to facilitate this. To the left of these instructions you should see a heading "iTunes Store Account/Apple ID" go there and follow the instructions there to create iTunes Store Accounts/Apple ID's for the countries you wish to download Apps from.

Dont forget to enable the services you want to use in "User Console > Services"